
Thursday 10 November 2016

Happy Birthday, Comr. Harry Simon

Today, a great leader is celebrating his birthday. He is no other person than Comr. Harry Simon…the National Treasurer of Nigerian Sociology and Anthropology Student Association (NSASA); the departmental president of NSASA, University of Uyo chapter (awaiting handing-over).

He is one remarkable student leader who welcomes criticism. He is also very industrious and has won multiple awards. He was awarded in the faculty of social sciences as the best departmental president (2015/2016 academic session).
Let’s recount some of his achievements as the president of NSASA, university of Uyo chapter:
1. Provision of a standard notice board together with shelter
2. Provision of two sets of ultra-modern public address system
3. Provision of NSASA suggestion box for suggestion and feedback
4. Distribution of reading materials to students
5. Encouragement of academic excellence by initiating an award scheme for the best performing students per session in 200L-400L
6. Initiating a presidential welfare scheme to help augment the school fees of indigent but brilliant students
7. Organizing of a dinner lecture tagged “HOW TO BECOME AN ACADEMIC GURU” with Dr.Blessing Essien as the lecturer during the 2016 Freshers Induction to expose students to the reality of academic excellence.
8. Creating of a departmental blog (www.nsasauniuyo.blogspot.com) to provide a platform where students can publish their articles and connect the world with events and happenings in the department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Uyo
9. Deploying relevant social media platforms to keep students up to date with information regarding academic activities and other trending issues.
10. Participating at the 2016 NSASA National Convention at the University of Abuja, which saw four (4) of our students emerging as officers in the NSASA National body. The offices include office of the Vice president, office of the Treasurer, office of the Public Relation officer and office of the Editor in chief.
11. Consolidating on the effort of previous NSASA administration to strengthen the departmental fellowship (SOCASFEL)
12. Distribution of Christian tracts, literatures as well as Bibles to help build the spiritual life of students.
Comr. Simon Harry is indeed a great leader. He has the capacity to be the future Governor of Akwa Ibom state and the president of Nigeria.

Please show him some love by wishing him a super-duper happy birthday!

Monday 7 November 2016

List Of Tertiary Institutions In Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria

Compiled by NSASA Uniuyo Information Team

Akwa Ibom State is one of the 36 states of Nigeria located in the South South region of the country. It is one of the third generation states and an oil producing state.

Akwa Ibom state is also one of the most beautiful states in the country with a high rate of infrastructural development.

In addition, it is a state where the citizens have a natural drive for educational attainments, hence the reality of a plethora of tertiary institutions in the state. The list of tertiary institutions in the state is presented as follows:

1. University of Uyo, Uyo
2. Maritime Academy of Nigeria, Oron
3. Federal Polytechnic, Ukana
4. Akwa Ibom State University, Ikot-Akpaden
5. Obong University, Obong Ntak
6. Ritman University, Ikot Ekpene
7. Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic, Ikot Osurua
8. Uyo City Polytechnic, Uyo
9. Foundation Polytechnic, Ikot Ekpene
10. Ibom Metropolitan Polytechnic, Uyo
11. Apex Polytechnic, Uyo
12. Heritage Polytechnic, Eket
13. School of Nursing - Uyo, Eket, Oron , Ikot Ekpene , Etinan
14. Akwa Ibom State College of Education, Afaha Nsit
15. Akwa Ibom State College of Arts & Sciences, Nung Ukim
16. Shalom Polytechnic, Abak
17. Sylverline College Of Technology, Eket
18. Sure Foundation Polytechnic, Ukanafun
19. Trinity Polytechnic, Uyo
20. Fortune Polytechnic, Uyo
21. Ideal Polytechnic, Itu
22. Canaan Polytechnic, Mkpat Enin
23. Essien Ukpabio Presbyterian Theological College, Itu
24. The Samuel Bill Theological College, Abak
25. St.Joseph Major Seminary, Ikot Ekpene

The above list is not exhaustive. NSASA Information Team will continue to update the list to reflect other institutions that may have been omitted. Hit the comment box if you wish to inform us of any errors or omissions. 

Monday 27 June 2016

Silly Things Students Do In Uniuyo That Shows Their Lack Of Common Sense (Part B)

Written by Michael N.Michael (NSASA Info Commissioner)
1. A doofus invites you to drop your number on Facebook so as to be added to a useless pornographic group on WhatsApp, and you quickly oblige because you are so obsessed with nudity. Those demons that want to destroy your life must be from your home town. Trash those pornographic contents and they'll disengage you for good!

2. Your parents sent you to school to put your future in perspective and all you can do is to become a cultist, indulge in criminal activities and even compel management to seal up Annex Small Gate. You prefer to convene at night at the ravine so as not to be apprehended by the Police. You definitely need two things: a) Dr. Iguedo Gboko Cleanser to help deterge your contaminated system b) The blood of Jesus to deliver your soul from the yoke of bondage!

3. You use your School fees to play Nairabet, and divert your pocket money to give your squeeze a treat at 'Mummy J', only to claim being bankrupt when we ask you to pay Faculty and Departmental Dues. In case you've forgotten, heaven is recording every detail of your life on campus!

4. You call yourself a campus fellowship member or executive. Yet you still welter in besetting sin and feel no remorse whatsoever for your promiscuity. You sleep and wake with exam malpractice, shower with homosexuality/lesbianism, feed with fornication, attend lectures with pornography, and have daily fellowship with masturbation. Your hypocrisy is no longer news to the University community. Repent ye and be converted!

5. You are always quick to affirm the maxim that youths are the leaders of tomorrow; yet you go from place to place-hostel, cafeteria, library and night class...picking people's phones and frustrating fellow Nigerian students. You take pleasure in skipping classes so that you'll look for whose note to steal just a few weeks to exams. If na so you wan take become leader of tomorrow, I pity your unborn children!

6. The guy you're dating does not have any clear-cut future ambition. Worse still, He's not even on the verge of graduating, let alone going for NYSC or even getting a job. Yet you've allowed him turn you into a sex machine with the false hope that he'll marry you. If I were not going to offend you, I'd love to ask you one simple question "what really makes you different from a schizophrenic?"

7. You brag about your status as an undergraduate, yet you don't have an active email account. You don't even have an idea how to access the School free hotspot. You don't read books outside your academic discipline, let alone to patronize Nigerian Newspaper vendors. You've hardly attended any public lecture, life empowerment training, seminar, workshop, or taken any short course to broaden your horizon. If anybody has told you 'you'll go far in life' that person must be Lai Muhammed!

8. You're a female student, and you're going to a lecturer's office to shine your teeth with suggestive dresses that exposes your cleavages and other sensitive parts of your body. Why won't he fail you in a course and ask you to show him love?

9. You are already in your finals, yet you lack productivity or technical skills. Your college game plan has been to pass exams, get good grades and nothing more. You have failed to realize that you're in Nigeria where millions of graduates are greeted with stern unemployment and frustration. You might as well add to the growing population of 'unemployable graduates' until you come to terms with prevailing realities!

10. You know too well that your spoken and written English is punk. Yet you want to make input in every radio show or comment on every Facebook post, so as to keep on bringing shame and disgrace to our institution. I no blame you. I blame your Faculty Officer that has refused to sign your expulsion letter!

11. Your parents have delayed to send you money, you broadcast it on Facebook. A guy takes you out to Apples, you post it on Facebook. You're eating Chinese bread for the first time, you take nonsense selfies and upload on Facebook. Every major activity you undertake is reflected on Facebook. I wish you'll also publish your poor CGPA on Facebook for the world to see how pitiable your life is.

12. You parade yourself as a University undergraduate, yet you don't know how to write a simple press briefing. You have no idea how to prepare a professional CV or draft a business letter. You spell 'conquered' as 'concard' 'happening' as 'hapinin' and 'convocation' as 'convctn'. You confuse 'this' for 'these', 'there' for 'their', 'where' for 'were', and 'lost' for 'loss'. In fact, I want to advise that you suspend your studies and go back to Nursery School!

13. You had a well-defined complexion when you left home for School, but as at today, your face is 'white', your neck is 'chocolate', while your armpit and other parts of your body is 'black'. You're not even ashamed to announce to the world on radio, that you're looking for a serious relationship. Don't worry, my five-year old nephew will help you look for a serious relationship when he gets into college in 2027.

Michael N.Michael is a Commonsense Advocate and writes from the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Uniuyo

Saturday 16 April 2016

Silly Things Students Do In Uniuyo That Shows Their Lack Of Commonsense (Part A)

Written by Michael N.Michael (NSASA Info Commissioner)

I don't really know how to define commonsense, but if I see someone without it, I'll definitely know. You might just be one of them.

1. You know that management does not condone any form of examination misconduct in Uniuyo, and you'll foolishly accept to impersonate your babe in a carryover course...not minding if you'll get caught and be rusticated from school. No wahala, go ahead...JAMB form has now been subsidized. Your parents will not be too bothered!

2. You don't go to Church. You don't even attend any Campus Fellowship, on the pretext that what brought you to School is your studies; yet you're far from being a First Class material. I'm fully persuaded that you need a mental status examination!

3. You go to CBN Auditorium, where serious-minded students are reading or tackling one assignment or the other for want of space in the University Library, and you're busy having a noisy conversation with your mumu friends or even playing loud music from your PC. You try sha. Na only you get laptop for Uniuyo!

4. You've stayed in the University for two years or more and you still dress to lectures as if you're going to your village meeting or Itam market. Your argument is NOT that you don't have moola to change your wardrobe, but that what you wear does not count. The intellectual substance is what counts. I totally agree with you, but keep dressing like that even when you start going for job interviews and it shall be well with you!

5. Since you came into School, your biggest achievement as a guy has been to chat up the most beautiful demoiselles on campus. Your mates are busy reflecting on the big picture and acquiring productivity skills. All your discussion is geared towards getting laid. Bros, I'm serious, you really need to give your life to Christ!

6. You receive a message on WhatsApp that tells you "an angel is coming to visit you with a surprise package, bla, bla, bla"...so that you'll need to forward the message to five different groups to validate the visitation, and like zombie, you start forwarding it to different groups in your popular culture of copying and pasting, without even probing the source. Excuse me, when will you ever grow up?

7. You go in for a test or an exam unprepared, thinking the lecturer or invigilator will be lenient enough to allow you copy or cheat. Sorry, not in Uniuyo. Try another institution!

8. You are writing an exam and forget to mute your mobile phone in your bag, so that it rings in the exam hall and distract other candidates already in the spirit. Your own lack of commonsense no get level!

9. You're just in 100L, and school politics has already gotten in your head, because you want to be called 'a one time this and a one time that'. You have failed to understand that your eligibility is incumbent on your academic standing. It shall surely be well with you if your CGPA does not even meet the requirement for vying for any political office at the appropriate time.

10. You have an exam to write by 8am and you prefer to leave the hostel by 8:15am to the exam venue; more so, without any means of identification.
What if the exam venue is changed without any prior notice? I bet you, you'll be as good as being stranded!

11. You've just been graciously allowed to sit at the rear of a lecture hall where a lecturer is teaching, and all you can do is repay his kind gesture with noise making. You're so lucky I'm yet to resume my lecturing job in Uniuyo!

12. You deceive yourself and your roomies that you're going for Night Class, only to spend 50minutes reading, 2hours on Social Media and 5hours sleeping. Are you sure you're really a student?

13. Your mates are busy with coursework, tackling past questions and trying to read ahead of exams. You are always at Mini-Stadium, Tropicana, Ibom Plaza, and Le Meridien taking pictures and hanging out with guys. You're doing 'hot chick' on campus. Don't worry, you'll soon turn to a chicken when you get into the labour market!

Michael N. Michael is a Commonsense Advocate and writes from the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Uniuyo.

Saturday 26 December 2015

Scientists Reveal A More Effective Way To Learn Anything Fast

Posted by Michael N.Michael (NSASA Information Commissioner)

In his book 'Fluent Forever', opera singer Gabriel Wyner suggests that one of the best ways to learn a new language is to practice remembering it. In other words, instead of reading and re-reading a list of vocabulary words, you should read it once and then test yourself repeatedly.
The same strategy works for pretty much anything you're hoping to commit to memory, and there's a growing body of research behind it. Psychologists call this phenomenon the 'testing effect'.
A 2003 study, cited in a meta-analysis by Henry L. Roediger III and Jeffrey D. Karpicke, highlights the power of testing for making information stick. In the study, researchers led by Mark Wheeler had participants either review a list of 40 words five times or review it once and take four recall tests. Then they took a recall test either 5 minutes or one week later.

Results showed that participants who'd read the word list five times performed much better on the recall test five minutes later. But participants who'd read the test just once and been tested performed better on the test one week later. In other words, testing helped boost the participants' long-term memory.
More recent research suggests that combining testing with immediate feedback (finding out whether you answered right or wrong) is more effective, and can even boost memory right after the information is learned.

In a 2014 study led by Carola Wiklund-Hörnqvist, 83 students in an undergraduate psychology course studied a series of psychological concepts for four minutes. Half the participants continued to study these facts while each fact was presented on a computer screen for 15 seconds.
The other half took six tests in which they had to come up with the concept described on the screen. For example, if they saw "the improvement in retention of information presented at the beginning of a list", they would have to type in "primacy effect". Then they would see the correct answer.
At the conclusion of the learning period, all participants took a test in which they were presented with a fact and required to type in the corresponding concept. They took the same test eighteen days and five weeks later.

Participants who had been tested performed better on all three tests.
Taken together, these studies suggest that the most efficient strategy for remembering something - whether you're learning a new language or studying for a science exam - is simply to practice recalling it. It's probably a lot more effective than trying to drill the facts into your head by staring at them for an hour.

Source: http://www.businessinsider.com.au

Monday 23 November 2015

Welcome Message From Nsasa President

The President, Comr. Harry, Simon Monday and the Executive Arm of NSASA, use this opportunity to give God all the meritorious praises for his protection and guidance throughout our holidays and to welcome all the students of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Uyo, Uyo back on Campus for the first semester of 2015/2016 academic session (Returning and Freshers)

As we resume for lectures, we implore you to be committed to the ideals of education which is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to people who prepare for it today, it is an approved process of individual transformation and personality development, so maximize this opportunity that you have now by seeing your studies as a “Prime Factor” among other things.

It is true that time is hard, but try to pay your relevant fee and dues early to enable you carry out your registration on time. Save yourselves from avoidable problems by submitting your term papers on time. Read ahead of examinations and God will reward your hard work. In addition, let us shun examination malpractice, cultism, act of terrorism and all forms of corruption for the functionality of this prestigious Department of Sociology and Anthropology.

We charge you all to be humble, be diligent, be consistent and above all have the fear of God. “Be found worthy in character and in learning”.

Once again you are welcome! We love you all.

Tuesday 10 November 2015

NNPC/Total Scholarship Scheme 2015/2016 - Apply Now

Posted by Michael N.Michael (NSASA Director of Info)

Annually, Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), and Total Upstream Companies in Nigeria (TUCN): Total Exploration & Production Nigeria Limited (Total E&P Nig Ltd) and Total Upstream Nigeria Limited (TUPNI), award scholarships to deserving Nigerian students in the tertiary institutions in the country.

The programme is aimed at promoting academic excellence and quality manpower development in the Country. This is one of the many ways Total demonstrates its commitment to the educational development of Nigerian students. This is part of Total’s rich Corporate Social Responsibility.

This scholarship scheme has been successfully carried out over the years. The 2015/2016 is due and this web portal is dedicated to receiving applications from eligible Nigerian undergraduates.

GENERAL INFORMATION: Application Forms are available here and must be completed online. Applications will close on November 22, 2015. Selection tests will hold on 5th December 2015 at designated centers nationwide which will be communicated to shortlisted candidates only.

Candidates will fully bear the cost transportation to test venue as no reimbursement shall be made. Candidates are therefore advised to choose text center closest to them.

To qualify for consideration, the applicant MUST:

-Be a Registered FULL TIME undergraduate in a recognized Nigerian University
-Be a certified 100 or 200 level student at the time of application
-Show proof of SSCE or Equivalent Certificate.
-Show proof of the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examinations (UTME) score.
-Show proof of Admission letter from the University and Matriculation Number
-Show proof of A-level or Equivalent Certificate (for direct entry students)


-Students with less than 200 score in UTME need not apply
-Students with less than 2.50 CGPA of 5-point scale, or equivalent
-300 level students and above need not apply
-Current beneficiaries of similar awards from any other Company or Government Agency need not apply

How To Apply

Visit https://scholarships.totalcsredu.com/log-in/? and provide the following information;

1. Personal Information: Enter your name, date of birth and permanent home address Upload your recent passport photograph.

2. Contact Information: Enter your email and mobile phone information. Only use an active email and mobile phone number.

NOTE: After registering, a confirmation email will be sent to your mailbox. Click on this mail to reset your password and activate your account.

3. Origin: Enter your state and local government of origin data. You are required to upload a certificate or proof of origin from your local government or state.

4. University Information: Select your university, course and year of study. You will be required to upload your JAMB/University admission letter.

5. Result Information: Input your JAMB score or CPGA. You are required to upload your JAMB statement of result and university CPGA. For year two medical students, your JAMB score suffices.

6. Review Application: Review your application ensure all fields have been correctly entered. Upload all the documents required:

-Recent Passport Photograph
-Certificate or Proof of Origin
-Senior Secondary Certificate of Education (SSCE)
-UTME result
-JAMB/University Admission Letter.
7. Conclusion: Attest that all info given is true. Accept terms and condition. On screen alert will confirm that you have successfully completed the application. You will receive an email to confirm this too.


1. This scholarship scheme application is best used on the following web browsers: IE9+, Chrome, Firefox and Safari.

2. Ensure that you have entered all details correctly. You understand that making a false statement on this application will disqualify you from this scholarship scheme. Your scholarship if you are successful, will be withdrawn, if at any time it is discovered that you have given false statements on this application. And such false statements may constitute fraudulent activity.

Application Deadline
Applications will close on November 22, 2015. Selection tests will hold on 5th December 2015 at designated centers nationwide which will be communicated to shortlisted candidates only.

Good luck!

Friday 23 October 2015

Tools And Methods Lecture Materials

Posted by Michael, Michael Ntia
(NSASA Information Commissioner)


Meaning and definition
Society is an organized group of persons associated together with shared objective, norms and values pertain to the society. People have social life and social process.

Research is systematic and organized effort to investigate a specific problem that needs a solution. It contributes to the general body of knowledge. It also corrects human knowledge.
Social research now can be defined as the systematic and objective analysis and recording of controlled observations that may lead to the development of generalization, principles or
theories resulting in prediction and possibly ultimate control of events  in  society.  It  attempts  to  answer  or  solve  social problems.
According to C.A. Moser : “Social research is a systematized investigation  to  gain  new  knowledge  about  social phenomenon and problems.”

According to P.V. Young: “Social research is a scientific undertaking which by means of logical methods, aim to discover new facts or old facts and to analyze their sequences, interrelationships, casual explanations and natural laws which govern them.”

Characteristics of social research
•  It  is  directed  towards  the  solution  of  problems.  The ultimate goal is to discover cause-and-effect relationship between social problems.
•   It  emphasis   the    development   of   generalizations, principles or theories that will be helpful in predicting future occurrences.
•  It is based  upon  observable  experience  or  empirical evidence.
•  It demands   accurate   observations   and   description.
Researchers may choose from a variety or non- qualitative description of their observations.
•  It involves gathering new data from primary sources or using existence data for new purpose.
•  Although  social  research  activities  may  at  time  be somewhat random and unsystematic, it  is  more often characterized    by   carefully  designed   procedure  that applies rigorous analysis.
•   It  requires  expertise.  The  researcher  knows  what  is already known about the problem and how others have investigated.
•   It  strives to  the  objective and logical  applying every possible test to validate the procedure employed, data collected and conclusion reached.
•  It involves the guests for answer to unsolved problems.
•  It  is  characterized  by  patient  and  unhurried  activity.
Researcher must expect disappointment and discouragement as they pursue the answer to difficult question.
•   It  is  carefully  recorded and  reported. Each  important term    is   defined,   limiting   factors   are   recognized, procedures    are   described   in   detail,   reference   are carefully documented, results are objectively recorded and conclusions are presented with scholarly caution and restraint.
•  It is interdisciplinary in nature
•  It sometimes requires courage.

Objectives of social research
  • To facilitate the understanding of human behavior.
  • To acquire knowledge about social phenomena, events, issue, problems etc
  • To identify functional relationship existing in the social phenomena
  • To find out the natural laws that regulates or directs social phenomena.
  • To standardize the society concept, e.g. culture, struggle, generation gap, social distance etc.
  • To formulate solution to social problems
  • To maintain social organization, remove social tension, misconception, etc
  • To develop social revival plan.
Phases of social research (S.R.)
Phases of social research consist of a series of steps necessary to  efficiently  carry  out  research on  any  social  phenomena. These actions  are  closely related.  They  can  be  overlapped.

Phases of S.R. basically refer to scientific research process. There are nine phases of social research.
Sensing or realizing problem: -
  1. The first step in SR process is observing the situationand sensing problem. New problems keep on emerging in the social environment. One should sense these development origins in the environment. At this stage, one may not know exactly what is happening but one can definitely sense that things are not going smoothly as they should be.
  2. Problem identification: Once one become aware of what is happening in the environment, he/she would then focus on the problem. The researcher singles out the problem for the study, i.e. what exactly are the problems in the situation. It is thus, problem-defining stage. Without a focused definition of problem, data tends to be irrelevant, expensive and confusing. Research problem should be specific.
  3. Theoretical framework: Once the problem is identified, the researcher carefully studies the earlier studies, if any which are similar to the study in hand. It helps to integrate information locally so that reason for the problem can be conceptualized. This helps    to   develop  theoretical   framework.  This  step essentially  involves  a  review  of  related  literature.  It familiarizes the researcher with what is already known and what is still unknown and untested.
  4. Hypothesis formulation: After developing theoretical framework, the researcher develops hypothesis. It  is  drawn from the  theoretical framework.  A  hypothesis  is  a  tentative  answer  to question. It is an educated guess. It is generally based upon prior research. It is subjected to the process of verification  or  disconfirmation.  Hypothesis  is conjectured relationship between two or more variables expressed in the form of testable statements.
  5. Research design: It is the plan, structure and strategy for conducting research. It describes the general framework for collecting,  analyzing and  evaluating  data.  It  helps  to obtain answer to research questions and to control variance. It enables the researcher to answer research questions   to   validity,   objectively,   accurately   and economically as  possible. Design should be  carefully worked out to yield dependable and valid answer to the research questions.
  6. Collection of data: At this stage, the researcher has to collect data as expected. Data can be obtained from primary source or secondary source. Questionnaire, interview, observation are major instruments to collect data. This step is also called fieldwork because researcher has to visit field for administering the research instruments to collect  data.
  7. Data analysis: It is statistical analysis that has been collected, edited, coded and tabulated. In other words, data analysis means the  categorizing, ordering, manipulating and summarizing of data to obtain answer to research’s question. Its purpose is to reduce data to intelligible and interpretable form so that elations of research problem can be studied and tested. Different statistical techniques are used at this stage.
  8. Interpretation and generalization: Interpretation takes the result of data analysis, makes inference pertinent to the research relation studied and draws conclusion about the relations. Generalization is the act of giving general form to these conclusions.
  9. Report preparation: Finally the researcher has to prepare the report of his/her research. Its objective  is  to tell  readers the  problems investigated, the method used to solve problems, result of the investigation and the conclusion from the result.
Types of Social Research

Basic research:
It is also called fundamental research. It is undertaken to
improve our understanding of certain problems that commonly occur in social setting and how to solve them. It   undertaken  for   sole   purpose  of   adding  to   our knowledge that is fundamental and generalizable. This type  of  research may  have  no  immediate  or  planned application. But it may later used in further research of an applied nature. Its objective is therefore, is not apply the findings to solve immediate problems at hand, rather to understand more about certain phenomena or problem that occur in social life or settings, and how they can be solved. It contributes to theory formation. This research work of professors, scholars and other researchers devoted to generate new knowledge in particular area of their interest can be called fundamental research. Basic research is  essentially  positive.  It  explains the phenomena as they are and as not they should be. It may verify or establish new one. It is an intellectual exercise.

Applied research:
It is also called action or decisional research. It is undertaken in response to a social problem, which requires  a  solution.  Its  major  purpose  is  to  answer practical and useful question. The results are practically applied to solve immediate     problems. It involves normative prescription. As applied research id concerned with knowledge that has immediate application. It is also called decisional research.


Fourth NinjaEssays International Writing Contest

Posted by Michael, Michael Ntia
(NSASA Information Commissioner)

The team at NinjaEssays is thrilled with the feedback they got on the previous essay writing contests. They discovered some real talents among the participants, and they want to see more from you! If you are talented in essay writing, you are welcomed to enter their Fourth contest, with topics that are more exciting than ever!

Please provide an entry on one of the following topics:
Nationalism in Contemporary American Literature
Is Homeschooling Inferior or Superior to Traditional Learning?
Digital Language: The Effects of the Internet on Modern Literature
College Dorms: An Inspiration or an Obstacle for Students’ Progress?
Are Parents Supposed to Provide Financial Support to College Students?4
Is ‘Street Wisdom’ Necessary for Professional Success?
African Writers: Diamonds of Contemporary Literature
The Effects of Television Violence on Young Students
Higher Education: a Privilege or a Right?


NinjaEssays International Writing Contest

Winner – $500
2nd place – $300
3rd place – $150

December 10, 2015

The finalists will receive a notification via e-mail by December 15, 2015.
You have more than enough time to get inspired and write an essay on the topic you are most inspired for!
Only one entry per candidate is allowed.
There is NO ENTRY FEE!
The submitted essays will be evaluated by the top writers from NinjaEssays.com. The personal information of the entrants will not be disclosed to the judges.
Your entry should be 800-1000 words long!
Your contact information should be provided on a separate page.
Please submit the essay in one of the following file types: Word (.doc, .rtf, .odt, and .docx). You should feel free to use images if you hold the rights for their distribution.
All entries must be free of plagiarism! You are not allowed to submit content that has been published before. The content will be checked with an advanced plagiarism checker and the candidates who don’t submit 100% unique work will be disqualified.

The essays must be written in English.
Choose one of the provided topics and submit your entry by sending an e-mail message to contact@ninjaessays.com. Entitle the message “Essay Writing Contest” and provide your name, age, and country in the body of the e-mail message.

Have a question? Shoot it to contact@ninjaessays.com

Tuesday 20 October 2015

UNIUYO Gets New Vice Chancellor

The University of Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, has announced the appointment of Prof. Enefiok Essien as the new Vice Chancellor of the institution.

Essien, 55, is a professor of Commercial Law and a two-term dean, Faculty of Law of the university.

He is also the Chairman, Committee of Deans of the university.

A statement on Monday added that the new VC had been a member of the Governing Council, Senate and the management committee.

The statement by the Registrar and Secretary to Council, Mrs. Edak Umondak, stated that Essien was taking over from Prof. Comfort Ekpo, who is completing her five-year tenure as the VC of the university at the end of November, 2015.

The statement added, “The Governing Council of the University of Uyo, at its special meeting held on Friday, October 26, 2015, approved the appointment of a new Vice Chancellor for the University of Uyo. He is Professor Enefiok Essien Of the Faculty of Law of the university.

“He has also served as chairman or member of committees, panels and boards in the university. He has been editor or in the editorial board of the law journals; external examiner/assessor in.most law faculties in Nigerian universities.”

Upon numerous publications, awards and prizes he had won, Essien obtained bachelor of laws, Second Class Upper from the University of Calabar in 1984; Barrister-at-Law (BL) and solicitor from the Nigerian Law School (1985).
Other qualifications are LLM from the University of Lagos (1988) and Ph.D from the University of Birmingham, England in 1998.

He has a Diploma in Journalism from the School of Journalism and Television, Berkshire, England in 1978.

The statement added that Essien began his career in the university as assistant lecturer in 1986 and rose to the position of Lecturer One in 1990 in the erstwhile Cross River State University.

Essien was said to have continued in the University of Uyo where he was promoted Senior Lecturer (1992), Associate Professor (1998) and Professor of Law (2001).